Faith Is

I have recently been group studying the book of Romans with two incredible women of the word, and the subject of faith has been so enlightening. It’s known that Paul wrote Romans as a letter to the believers in Rome whilst he was in Corinth. He introduced them to the absolute truth about the righteousness of God. We have learnt that God’s righteousness gives us the power to live by faith. I will not spoil it if you are not overly familiar with the book. I pray that you will be encouraged to read this incredible book for yourself by the end of this message.


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Step out of safe

A few years ago, my husband and I grew tired of sameness. We realised we wanted more out of life than we were experiencing at that time. This inspiration came from several sources, but the prominent of which were, Water Walker teaching series on Youtube by Dr Daniel Dharius and the Don’t Settle for Safe book by Sarah Jakes Roberts. I will encourage you to check them out. From these teachings, we understood why it wasn’t ok to settle for safe because our environment asks us to do so but to reach beyond and venture into unknown territories.


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The power of joy

John chapter 15 captures one of Jesus’s intimate moments with his disciples, as he took them through what it meant to be truly connected to him. He used the life of a vine to emphasise his relationship with the Father and us. In conclusion, he told them that: “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. John 15:11 GNT. In essence, Jesus was saying that a good relationship with the Father will yield joyfulness. The Father is joy, and He wants us to be joyful.


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