Own your race

About a year ago, I went to my usual parkrun one Saturday morning as part of my plan to maintain my fitness. During the morning brief at the parkrun, it was announced that part of the route had to be changed due to the park being used for another event. You can imagine what went through my mind when I heard that; I became nervous! The new running route was a bit more uphill than the original route and looking at it from a distance, it seemed very challenging. Also as I was not familiar with the new route I had to follow other people around so I don’t get lost which meant that I had to run at their pace. I was good up to a point during the first lap of the run when I begun to feel tiredness kick in. At that moment, I felt the Lord begun to speak to me about “running the race”. It was a powerful moment for me and I was encouraged to finish the race and not quit, though it was challenging.


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Is your service due?

He lets me rest in green meadows; He leads me beside peaceful streams. He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honour to His name.
Psalm 23:2-3 (NLT)

It is interesting to see how the human nature just keep moving. As the earth constantly spins on its axis and causes it to move, we humans are also wired to always be on the move. In fact it takes much more effort to keep still than to move; any parent will attest to this, as it’s difficult to keep children still. Likewise when we are idle and not busy about our business, we feel the effect more because our bodies just want to be busy. However for a good reason the Bible encourages us to wait and be still. There are numerous verses that tells us to rest, because the soul can be restored if it’s found in a restful place.


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Calling you back to Himself

We are living in dangerous times in the history of humanity where people get angry and offended easily by anything or anyone. People leave homes, jobs, relationships, marriages etc when offence or misunderstandings arise. People are afraid of resolving issues so the only easy way out is to live in denial and separation. (Anger stats, The British Association of Anger Management).

I have read many stories from both the Old Testament and the New Testament and found how people loved by God rebelled against Him many times and God allowed enemies to take them into captivity for a certain period of time. God then sends His prophets with a message of repentance and deliverance; and when they repent from their sins, He brings them back home and reconcile. (more…)

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