For Real?

For the first time in my life, I felt in my heart to stop and take some time to reflect on the Easter story. The Easter season has always been when we do church and go through the motions and listen to the account of Jesus dying on the cross and rising from death on the third day. This time was different; I have been in awe of everything Jesus had to go through for me (and the world) to get me closer to my Father.

For some years now, some Christians and I have gone through the Easter season passively without actually valuing the price Jesus paid on the cross for the world. I have realised that what God did for the world is a big deal. 


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The path to the promise

Have you ever felt like God has given you an action-word that requires you to move and do whatever the action is, and then at the same time, you get a pause-word, requiring you to stay put? What do you do when there are two words from God staring at you, one calling for action and another asking you to pause?


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Inside out

What do you do when your insides are burning so bright with desires and dreams, but your current situation displays the exact opposite? What do you do when your outside world cannot keep up with the desires of your heart? Where do you run to with all your dreams and plans when they do not fit into anything happening around you in the real world?


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