The Shack – I’m undone

Nearly a year ago, a friend spoke to me about the book, The Shack by WM Paul Young, and she posted it to me through our letter hole. As you would expect, life happened, and the book was stuck along with all the other books on our bookshelf, beautifully displayed in our living room. Over the past months, I have read several books and have been blessed immensely, but nothing ever prompted me to read The Shack. But a few weeks back, I was unwell and had to rest it out for a few days. Interestingly, I was drawn to the book, so with nothing but time on my hands, I began to flip the pages while wondering why it never occurred to me to read it and why my friend has also not asked for her book back.


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Words are very important and we have to be mindful about how we let them out of our mouths.  So many times I have uttered words and thought to myself, “where did that come from?” We can’t chew back our words or take them back once they are out. The words we speak are like seeds that are sown into the recipient. As we know from the beginning, God spoke creation into being, so our words can actually create life around us.

When you speak healing words, you offer others fruit from the tree of life. But unhealthy, negative words do nothing but crush their hopes.
Proverbs 15:4 (TPT)


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God’s love

What happens when you say to God, “I know you love me, but your love is not enough? I need the love of people to make me whole”! Our heavenly Father’s heart bleeds and aches after you. God says to you, “If you can embrace my love for you, it will fill all the void and emptiness you feel. You will be so much full of my love that, you will not be desperate for the love and affection of people”.

The Lord appeared to me (Israel) from ages past, saying, “I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you and continued My faithfulness to you.
Jeremiah 31:3 (AMP) (more…)

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