Level up your Hope

The Oxford dictionary has defined hope as “a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen, grounds for believing that something good may happen”. With all that the world is experiencing, it can sometimes feel like the end is here, and all the promises of God are never going to be seen. If I can take you back to New Year’s Day 2020, what was your hope level like concerning the year? I bet it was in the higher range! I am sure you were fired up for the year and ready to conquer the world. How hopeful are you about the rest of the year with everything happening now? Is your current vision for the year being clouded by what you hear on the news or by the promises of God?


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Inside out

What do you do when your insides are burning so bright with desires and dreams, but your current situation displays the exact opposite? What do you do when your outside world cannot keep up with the desires of your heart? Where do you run to with all your dreams and plans when they do not fit into anything happening around you in the real world?


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God is not angry

Growing up, I always thought it was ok for a bad things to happen to bad people. I believed in the rule of reaping and sowing; you know, what you sow is what you get. There have been countless times I thought people deserved the stuff they are going through because they caused it in the first place. The scientists put it this way, ‘action and reaction are equal and opposite‘. When I played the brother of the prodigal son,  if you are familiar with that bible story or when I played Jonah who wants the City of Nineveh to be destroyed because they are sinners. Yeah, I know you must be shocked and disappointed  to read this and must be thinking, “What a self-righteous writer!” But before you pick up your rock to stone me, just give me a few minutes of your time to defend myself. (more…)

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