The Shack – I’m undone

Nearly a year ago, a friend spoke to me about the book, The Shack by WM Paul Young, and she posted it to me through our letter hole. As you would expect, life happened, and the book was stuck along with all the other books on our bookshelf, beautifully displayed in our living room. Over the past months, I have read several books and have been blessed immensely, but nothing ever prompted me to read The Shack. But a few weeks back, I was unwell and had to rest it out for a few days. Interestingly, I was drawn to the book, so with nothing but time on my hands, I began to flip the pages while wondering why it never occurred to me to read it and why my friend has also not asked for her book back.


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Faithful Love

The hymn, ‘Hark, my soul, it is the Lord’ by William Cowper has held a special place in my heart from my childhood, and it was no surprise that when I started writing this message, I was drawn to the third and fourth verses, which goes like this:

3 Can a woman’s tender care, cease towards the child she bare? Yes, she may forgetful be, yet will I remember thee.

4 Mine is an unchanging love, higher than the heights above, deeper than the depths beneath, free and faithful, strong as death.


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In God’s unified world

For you are all children of God through faith in Christ Jesus. And all who have been united with Christ in baptism have put on Christ, like putting on new clothes. There is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male and female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus.

Galatians 3:26-28 (NLT)

What is happening in our world today has reminded me of what the children of Israel experienced a long time ago in Egypt. I believe when the Israelites received the news that they were relocating to the land of abundance, it was a time of joyous celebration and thanksgiving. To give you a backdrop to the story, God sent (a bit complicated) Joseph ahead of his family into Egypt to secure a place for the Israelites. Why? As Game of Thrones will put it, “Winter is coming”.


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