Teachable stories untold

We’ve heard true stories from our fathers about our rich heritage. We will continue to tell our children and not hide from the rising generation the great marvels of our God, his miracles and power that have brought us all this far.
Psalm 78:3-4 TPT

Life takes us through unusual and exciting times where sometimes we don’t want the experience to end, and other times all we want is an end in sight. The one thing life offers us, irrespective of the kind of experience, are life lessons. These lessons may be caught right in the middle of the situation or, most times, in hindsight. It is these teachable moments that I want to highlight. I believe we can look on our lives into problems we thought we couldn’t go through and times we felt we didn’t know how to survive and be grateful for those teachable moments.


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Un-pause and keep moving

I have felt the burden to bring your attention to the unnecessary pause in the life journey many of us are currently facing. We had something we were building or attempting to build, but then COVID happened with all of its gloominess in 2020, and we were thrown into the woes of uncertainties and the unknowns of life.

What that has left us with is a life of stagnancy and stillness, where we are constantly on edge and waiting for this storm to pass so we can get back to our normal life and continue the journey we were on. It seems reasonable to pause everything we were happily building before lockdown, right? After all, the restrictions in various places leave less room to manoeuvre and near impossible to get anything done. Depending on the severity in your area, you may not be able to do anything outside the confines of your home, just like what Noah and his family had to deal with during the flood in their time.

Nonetheless, I’ll like to interrupt your busy schedule today and announce that:


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For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2 Tim 1:7 NKJV

Happy New Year! I am really excited to share what God has laid on my heart with you. I cannot begin to tell you the number of times this verse has popped up around me since I received this message. Paul wrote these words from prison to Timothy. I believe Timothy was in a season where he needed all the courage and determination to walk in his calling. Paul sent this to Timothy to remind him of what he possessed and needed to accomplish his assignment. When God opened my eyes to this message, I realised how much like Timothy, we also need to be reminded of the three-fold spirits’ power essential to combat the fear dominating our world.
