A call to prayer and fasting

Happy New Year! I believe that no matter how your 2019 has played out, God has been good to you because you are still here. Cathy and I join you and yours to say “Praise the Lord! Hallelujah”! We also want to encourage you make a decision on the last day of the year to plan to fast and pray to start 2020 strong! By dedicating an early part of the year to God, you set precedence for the rest of the year. You give God the reins and permission to direct the course of the entire year.

Why the fast?
People fast for different reasons but our core reasons for the fast are:
1) Because Jesus fasted and prayed.
2) To submit our bodies to discipline and sacrifice to train our spirit to draw closer to God and to hear Him better.
3) To be blessed and empowered by the power of The Holy Spirit to do what God has called us to do.

Types of fast?
The three main types of fast found in the scriptures are absolute fast, normal fast and partial fast. With absolute fast you go without food and water, a normal fast includes water but no food, whereas a partial fast eliminates specific foods.

Format of the fast?
In January 2019, Cathy and I partook in the 21 days Daniel Fast for the first time and we were really blessed us as a family. We followed “Fast like Daniel” book by Scott Williams. Just like Daniel fasted in Daniel 10:3 denying himself some specific foods, we fasted following some dietary guidelines from the book.

I ate no pleasant food, no meat or wine came into my mouth, nor did I anoint myself at all, till three whole weeks were fulfilled.
Daniel 10:3 (NKJV)

The duration of the fast depends on your circumstances and so you could fast for one day, three days, seven days, twenty-one days or forty days. The most important thing is that you have decided to sacrifice a part of your year and God rewards sacrifices. This year we are doing the Daniel Fast for 7 days due to our current circumstances.

Here is a video about the Spiritual Keys to Fasting by Jentezen Franklin.

Below are some useful resources that we have found helpful that will help you on this journey. We know this will be a refreshing time for you as you go without food to make room for the Lord. We believe that whatever fast you decide to embark on will change you and you will be empowered by the Holy Spirit. Most importantly it will usher you into a more intimate relationship with the Lord.

We will love to pray with you during this season of fasting so please use the comments or contact us form to send us your prayer request.

Thank you for taking part and God bless you.

May you be filled with the Fullness of God and the Power of His Love!



YouVersion Devotions
1) Fast like Daniel: 21 Day devotional that will change your life

2) Less of Me/More of Him, A 21-Day Fasting Study

3) Fasting With A Purpose

4) 5 Days To Victorious Fasting by Jamie Rohrbaugh

5) The Vine – Fasting


Fast like Daniel: 21 Days that will change your life book

Fasting: Opening the Door to a Deeper, More Intimate, More Powerful Relationship with God by

This Post Has 2 Comments


    God bless you for the Article
    It is a very Positive way of starting the Year with a commitment to the Lord. The Grounds on which we receive strength to meet challenges and to face the wiles of the Devil squarely afe the Prayer Grounds. We should combine this Fast with Dedicated Study of the Word which supplies the Ammo for the Battle.
    Once again The Lord bless you and give you more insight.

    1. Catherine Nortey

      Amen and amen Daddy. God bless you for your insight. You are a blessing to our generation. We thank God for you

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